Review your senior loved one’s medications with their doctor

Request a complete list of the medications your loved one takes from their care team. Make sure the list includes instructions on how frequently drugs should be taken and the dosages. Add any over-the-counter drugs and supplements to the list. Review the full list of medications with your loved one’s doctor, being sure to ask the following questions:[01]

What drugs and supplements could potentially cause negative interactions?
This could include negative interactions with each other or substances like alcohol. Negative drug interactions can be dangerous and can increase the risk of falling and fall-related injuries, such as hip fractures.

Are there food recommendations related to taking a certain medications?
For example, some medications need to be taken with food or on an empty stomach. With some medications, certain foods should be avoided.

What are the possible side effects of the medications and supplements?
For example, should a senior avoid driving because a certain medications or supplements can cause drowsiness?

What specific condition does each medication treat?
If there are several medications that treat the same condition, ask if any can be eliminated to simplify a senior’s regimen.
Are dosages age appropriate? The way the body processes various drugs changes with age, and seniors can be more or less sensitive to certain medications.

The regular use of five or more medications is referred to as polypharmacy which may contribute to issues including drug related complications and increased risk of falls. An assessment with a doctor can help reduce the risks associated with polypharmacy.[02]