The benefit to an elderly person’s wellbeing of continuing to live in their own home cannot be overstated. That said, there are many safety considerations that need to be addressed in order to facilitate this without risking their health or safety. The presence of a live-in carer can mitigate many of these risks, because they are trained in home safety as well as personal care.

The benefit to an elderly person’s wellbeing of continuing to live in their own home cannot be overstated. That said, there are many safety considerations that need to be addressed in order to facilitate this without risking their health or safety. The presence of a live-in carer can mitigate many of these risks, because they are trained in home safety as well as personal care.

Safety hazards in the home for the older generation can be fatal. So, what are some of the considerations that relatives of older people need to take into account when it comes to safety at home?


As people age, their mobility often becomes more restricted and adaptations to their living environment are required. An elderly person with mobility problems may require specialist equipment, such as:

  • Stair lift
  • Hand rails
  • Wheelchair ramps
  • “Reachers” – pincher-like devices to help people pick up objects
  • Toilet seat riser
  • Bath bench
  • Button loopers and zipper pulls, for dressing
  • Single-lever taps