What is Assistance with Daily Life?
Assistance with Daily Life covers supports and services that help you do daily personal activities, so you can live as autonomously as possible. It covers everything from short term accommodation to a support worker’s assistance with meal preparation.
Assistance with Daily Living can take place at your home, out in the community or a bit of both — it depends on you and your needs!
How is it different to Capacity Building daily living supports?
You’ll notice there’s a support category under Capacity Building called “Improved Daily Living”. Although the names are similar, these two categories have slightly different purposes.
Assistance with Daily Life (Core Support) relates to assistance with everyday tasks that you wouldn’t be able to do easily by yourself, like showering, cleaning and accessing the community. These supports are important for helping you maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle.
On the other hand, Improved Daily Living (Capacity Building) focuses on helping you build independence and learn new skills, so you are less reliant on support services in the future. For example, you may work with a support worker to learn how to use public transport.